Living in Cyprus, there is plenty of sun (except at the moment, the weathers been really bad this winter). I had originally tried my first solar attempts using a white light Astrozap filter on both a Bresser AR90/500 and on a Celestron Edge 11.
Detail levels through those setups were low, probably due to the white light filter and also using a one shot colour camera.
So, I decided to treat myself to a proper solar scope.
The one I got was the Lunt LS80MTB1800C, which is;
80mm aperture, ED, FPL53 glass
560mm focal length
Crayford Focuser
Single Stack Pressure Tuned Etalon
B1800 blocking filter, with 1.25" eyepiece/camera holder and T2 threads
Solar finder built into carry handle
To accompany the scope, I also purchased an ASI174mm planetary mono camera.
The scope is modular (MT in model name), and this means that I can remove all the solar elements, and replace with an optional focuser. I purchased the optional Crayford focus version. This converts the scope to a night scope.
So looking forward to getting this up and running.
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